Monday, March 10, 2008

No boat

What a disappointment, to find out at the two thirds through the book he decided not to build the boat. Drive must be a basic component of the boatbuilders I know. Some are very slow, some don't finish, some are speedy, some sloppy, and some create wonderful masterpieces of craftsmanship (I think for the love of material, maybe not boats.) But at least they all start.
Many of his thoughts have corollaries in boatbuilding. We compare boat designers they way Ribczynski compares architects; Chappelle for the older and Brooks for the younger, Gardner for clasiic methods, Hill for something new.

So you want to build a b
oat. We could work that in. Two sheets of plywood, 4 -16' x 1" x 2", and some simple handtools plus twenty hours equal a beautiful slab sided canoe. I have several of these which are are almost 20 years old. It is a very stable boat, good for first time paddlers. Fun for picnics too. The one at the ocean is loaded for bear with cooler, surfboard, beach chairs, kites, etc. The red one is being paddled by a nine year old, Max is poling his way thru the salt marsh standing in the green one. They draw about 2-3" with one person. These are my suggestion, they are easy, have nice lines, they stack (I've had five on my car at once),

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i hope you still liked the book anyway...there are some nice thoughts about teh functional aspects of building a house...things are more subjective in architecture than in boat building becasue boat design is driven in large part by a specific function while buildings have a wider array of uses...this does not rank one higher than the other, just different...we need you for green desing build!!!! i am wondering about having the students and myself learn how to build a boat..