Monday, December 14, 2009

Tuckup Paint

Peter, Paul, and Bob. Ed & me too! All the oatmeal cookies went, TOP PRIORITY has new shiny paint, a clean waterline, and some varnish. Pretty good presents I'd say. Wish I had the camera tonite, there were two Santas, one elf and a jester working on the boat. On the other hand, it's good I did not. I cleaned paint off her hardware and found the traveler. Got to make a pin for the rudder float. Came in on Tues and straightened out her waterline, gave the topsides another coat.
Wanted to comment on your blog. "Your waterline looks nice,but we all know that unless you're a fast bailer the true waterline is closer to the sheer!" Tom S
Gee, and I even raised this one an inch over the last one (mostly to cover the Delaware River flotsam stains than I know we will acquire.)

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